
About Rick Middleton

Rick brings to the eXcelisys family a wealth of real–world eXperience. During Rick’s time in the United States Marine Corps, his main duties were security forces, counter terrorism and “Information Technology Man.” It was in the Marines that Rick learned you lead from the front. Since leaving the Marines, Rick has worked in technologies from Mac to PC, from ACT to Microsoft Outlook, and held many titles, from Account Manager to Director of Sales to Director of Customer Service. While working in the security world, he dealt with customers ranging from small operations to nation–wide retailers, treating each with respect and holding close to the ethic that you “say what you mean and do what you say.” When Rick isn’t taking care of customers, he can be found at home hanging out with his wife and kids, or out on the golf course.

Website Content and Design

Website Content and Design

Copyright © eXcelisys, Inc., all rights reserved. No unauthorized use permitted; all derivative works must have prior approval. All content – including design and copy within the eXcelisys website is protected under international copyright laws. eXcelisys will prosecute ANYONE who borrows or steals any derivative or facsimile of the content and design of eXcelisys’ website without written approval or permission. Read More



FileMaker®, FileMaker Pro® and the referencing FileMaker® logos are trademarks of FileMaker, Inc., in the United States, the European Union and other countries. MySQL® and MySQL® Logos are registered trademarks of MySQL AB in the United States, the European Union and other countries. The PostgreSQL elephant logo “Slonik” is a registered trademark of the PostgreSQL Global Development Group. Read More

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We will never give or sell your email address or contact information to anybody, for any reason. There are no eXceptions. We do not make our customer list available to anyone outside of eXcelisys at all, ever.

There is no way that submitting your information to eXcelisys will result in you receiving “spam” or other junk mail from eXcelisys if you have requested us not to do so. Read More

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