CodeIgniter Web Application Development

Development • Customization • Integration • Maintenance • Consulting

Fast, Friendly, and eXperienced CodeIgniter eXperts

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CodeIgniter (CI) is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint

CodeIgniter gives web developers a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. CodeIgniter is not trying to be all things to all people. It is a lean MVC (model-view-controller) framework, with enough capabilities to improve a developer’s productivity, while providing for third-party addons/plugins for additional functionality.

CodeIgniter 3 requires PHP version 5.2.4 or later, and plays nicely with almost all shared or dedicated hosting platforms. Many web apps need a database, and CodeIgniter supports the most common options, including MySQL.

CodeIgniter’s MVC framework helps developers keep their code organized and modular and delivers a real enhancement to the overall efficiency of web development and web application maintenance. CodeIgniter can also be expanded to operate in a modular (HMVC) fashion allowing developers to write modules for one application and use them again in another. This means the code is reusable, which helps reduce development time and expense for our customers.

CI allows us to develop complex web applications with a robust set of tools – Calendar, e-mail, zip encoding, form validation, file uploads, sessions, unit testing… just a few of the built in libraries that come with CI. It also includes a boat load of default helpers for common things like forms, file handling, arrays, strings, cookies, directories, and more. And as if that wasn’t enough, we can create our own libraries and helpers or use code that has been developed by the CI community and posted to the wiki.

CodeIgniter is a community-developed open source project, with several venues for community members to gather and exchange ideas.

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CodeIgniter Web Consulting Geek Factors

One of the hardest things with frameworks is the installation process. We tend to look for tools that can be installed and used by just uploading files to a directory. CI fits that bill nicely. No need for PEAR packages or server modifications to get the framework up and running. Just upload the files to the server, create a database, update a couple of configuration files, and we are off and running in minutes.

CI allows us to implement as much or as little security as needed for your web app. It does some things by default like unsetting global variables regardless of PHP’s register_globals directive, and turning off the magic_quotes_runtime directive during system initialization so it is not necessary to remove slashes when retrieving data from a database. Other settings can also be enabled easily such as cookie encryption, handling session data with a database, and automatically escaping SQL queries.

CI can handle connections to multiple databases within one application and connect to any of the following database types: MySQL (4.1+), MySQLi, MS SQL, Postgre, Oracle, SQLite, or ODBC. CI also facilitates the manipulation of your database; add/remove columns from tables, create new tables and remove old ones using its database forge library.

To sum up, CI is a powerful rapid web application development framework that not only helps us get your web solution off the ground faster (= less time and expense), but also provides a consistent structure for multiple developers to work on the same web application project with one set of consistent coding standards, libraries, and helpers.

Giving you as much, or as little, of our CodeIgniter voodoo that we do, oh so well.


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eXcelisys is the Top CodeIgniter eXpert in the Whole Universe! (Ok, that’s a stretch)

CodeIgniter Web Site and Web Application Development Services

CodeIgniter brings the flexibility and rich features of an open source web development framework into web applications development.

Our team of expert CodeIgniter programmers, CodeIgniter developers, and web solution consultants work diligently in creating intuitive and interactive web applications and websites. We follow a comprehensive agile approach for website application development and deliver CodeIgniter web solutions that accommodate your core business needs and desires.

  • CodeIgniter Web Applications Development

  • CodeIgniter Customization

  • CodeIgniter Consulting

  • CodeIgniter Implementation and Configuration

  • CodeIgniter Module Development and Upgrades

  • CodeIgniter Web Application Support and Maintenance

CodeIgniter, Best Choice for Large or Small Companies of Today:

  • Easy customization and management of development projects

  • Server Installation and relocation of modules is easy!

  • Clean search engine friendly URLs

  • Dynamic records can be recalled quickly

  • Community-developed open source tool

  • Allows connections to multiple databases within one application

  • Easy installation and configuration process

  • Dynamic records can be recalled quickly

Excelisys, The Best Choice for CodeIgniter Projects:

  • Dedicated team that specializes in PHP-based CodeIgniter projects

  • Experts in handling MVC architecture

  • Experienced PHP developers develop error-free CI web applications

  • We want 100% client satisfaction, Excelisys goes the extra mile!

  • Specialize in custom CodeIgniter web applications development

  • Cost-effective and efficient reliable agile web applications development processes

  • Easy installation and configuration process

  • Dynamic records can be recalled quickly

Riveting Reviews Relinquished by Customers

We Love Our Customers, And They Love Us!

It has been a pleasure to work with eXcelisys, because they are responsive, communicate well, and have the resources to get the job done.

Talented group of problem fixers with FileMaker

I’m very impressed.

Working with Doug on our custom app development has been a blessing, we would be lost without him!

Very knowledgeable team. My development lead took time to work with me to develop a plan and help me execute.

I felt taken care of and attended to–as if I were their most important client. Diligent to work out every detail.

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Our Portfolio

HOA Website Help

Maintaining an HOA or condo association website takes time and energy. Links break, updates fail and sites get hacked. That's where we can help. See how eXcelisys has assisted two property owner associations in maintaining and updating their sites.

eXcelisys Earns Vote of Confidence for Building Star-Spangled Campaign Website

eXcelisys earns stars and stripes for campaign website design that took 28 days from inception to launch. For St. Joseph County, Indiana, native Tom McCormick, the decision to seek political office was a long time coming. But once McCormick decided to run for county commissioner, he knew he needed to launch a campaign website lickety-split.

eXcelisys Delivers New Website for Angery American

'Too Hot?' We Don't Mind the Fire Shunned by Other Developers, Angery American Mobilizes Forces with the eXcelisys Website Development Team A while back, Chris Weatherman – famed prepper, survivalist, podcaster and contestant on

  • Image of puzzle pieces linked to show FileMaker, WooCommerce and WordPress integration

Linking FileMaker, WordPress & WooCommerce to manage product listings

Check out this ultimate triple play in which eXcelisys linked FileMaker, WordPress and WooCommerce to help a large-scale K-12 curriculum distributor manage its print catalog and webstore sales. One key feature includes HTML auto-coding in FileMaker to enable product entries made in the database to upload to the website for picture-perfect webstore display.