A Step Above Hair/Nail Salon – WordPress Website

CLIENT A Step Above Salon
DATE 2014
TAGS Design-Development, Integration, MySQL, Professional-Services, Websites, WordPress

Project Description


A different kind of salon wanting to have a web presence. Was not interested in the shared website platform that is readily available in the salon industry. Client wanted to be able to update and make changes on their own at anytime, a new fresh look, blog, client e-mail sign up, appointment setting abilities, and integrated social media.


Client was interested in a WordPress template. We assisted with narrowing down the search for a template available on ThemeForest. Client did all homework and planning of what pages and information they wanted on their custom WordPress site. Client found their own graphic images, and wrote all their own text content. We set up the WordPress website and assembled all of their materials for them and provided some WordPress training so they can manage the site on their own and keep the content fresh.


A Step Above Salon Services now has a shiny new look on the web with their custom WordPress site! New clients can find them, request appointments, and be kept apprised of specials and products the salon offers. Client enjoys having control over the content of their site as well as the ability to leverage their marketing efforts through social media and periodic electronic newsletters. Their new web presence has not only helped them gain new customers, but also retain their existing client base. We assist on a minimal basis for odds and ends support.

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